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Singer-Songwriter Ohnlé Brings Whole New Vibe to Pop Music With New Single - 'Take Me'

Ohnlé's new single, “Take Me” is changing the meaning of the Pop Genre! Up-tempo body mover takes you on a glorious vibe journey from start to finish.

(Los Angeles, CA)

Houston native, Los Angeles-residing artist and producer, Ohnlé , is taking an innovative approach to the pop music arena. Ohnlé (pronounced Own-Lay) has shown exponential growth as he writes, records, and produces his own music which draws it's spark from multiple genres including jazz, rock, and reggae. On May 27th , Ohnlé released “Take Me”, an up-tempo groove about the unescapable captivation love puts you in. Close your eyes while listening, and the record will take you on a journey full of imagery, filling your senses with eclectic ear candy.

“I wanted to break the rules when I made "Take Me." I wanted to take the 80s pop, bring into the Modern era, then make it a little hip hop. Then it came out a whole vibe! My style is to romanticize instead of sexualize, and this track does that very thing. It tells a story that’s different for every listener and that’s my goal! - Ohnlé

Another unique spin on Ohnlé's music—no profanity. As a Christian who does not make “Christian Music,” Ohnlé holds true to his personal convictions without compromising the authenticity and integrity of the Music. By studying other genres, like Country, which has similar ordinances, Ohnlé grasps the skill of lyrical storytelling while keeping the soul of R&B, the versatility of Pop, and the modernism of Hip Hop. There is an excellent lineup of songs coming after "Take Me", ranging from up-tempo hip-hop to slow love ballads all about love, vibes, and all their intricacies.


About Ohnlé

Hailed by fans as “feel-good music, with a unique sound”, Ohnlé music has its roots in Pop and R&B setting his signature sound of Pop/R&B Fusion, but wets the appetite of other genre palates, using musical mixtures of Rock, Reggae, Jazz, and Country. From head-bopping, upbeat tempos that inspire fun, new beginnings, and sprouting relationships, to slow-grooving ballads that empathize with love and heartbreak; his music mantra is versatility, substance, and journey.

Versatility inspired by his loathe of being "Put in a box" or limited, sparking his thrive in producing his own music, directing his own videos, etc. Substance inspired by the subject matter in his lyrics, to connect with the listener on a an emotional level. Journey inspired by not shying away from his growth in quality, and embracing his storytelling abilities by taking his fans on an arcing journey via music or visually.

For more information on Ohnlé , please visit his website.



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