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The 4th World Releases 'The System of Insanity Enslaving the World and Humanity'

November 22, 2018 (London, UK) Aghast at the state of the mainstream music industry’s ability to campaign for a more equal and compassionate world, the founder of The 4th World decided to create music to help achieve a vision; in hopes of providing an anti-establishment artist for the people of Planet Earth - a voice for the voiceless. The dream is to bring the message of The 4th World to every corner of the globe; connecting all people regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, and financial status. "The human race is one people and we all deserve to realize that it is only together and united that we can truly become free from the system governing our species, to not just save ourselves but also our planet. "

This particular message, entitled 'The System of Insanity Enslaving the World and Humanity’, is to show the people of Planet Earth the system that is ruling our world. It's about exposing that system to see its true darkness, so we can one day say we lived through the century of change; when a new, fairer, and more compassionate world is created for the future of the human race to exist in. It's also a futuristic warning for the destiny of the planet and its people, should we fail to see the Light before it's too late and become the destiny of this system.

It has recently been the Indie Spotlight Pick Of The Week on Hip Hop Weekly and a featured video on Its Hip Hop Music. It has also been shared by A&R Factory and comeherefloyd. "Along with the lyric’s poignancy, the command of meter and rhyme in the bars was absolutely on point, proving that the 4th World isn’t only an artist with the ability to urge the listener to wake up the world, he also has the ability to make his words flow like spoken word’s more than worth listening to and helping The 4th World spread his message." A&R Factory. "Earth and nature conscious hiphop is heightened with THE 4TH WORLD’s new single ‘The System of Insanity Enslaving the World and Humanity’."


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